
Federal election 2021 – check tax policy with the Steuer-O-Mat

Deutscher Bundestag

Which party brings the greatest relief for me?

Just in time for the federal election, the third edition of the Steuer-O-Mat web app offers three to four simple questions to find out which party suits you best with regard to the tax election program.

All you have to do is answer the following questions:

  • “What is your gross annual income?”
  • “Are you married?”
  • “What is your spouse’s gross annual income?”
  • “How many children do you have?”


The Steuer-O-Mat then shows whether which party would mean which higher or lower burden for you. How much net of gross is left differs considerably between the individual election programs. The result is of course first and foremost an election promise, so the tax-o-mat should not be the only factor in the voting decision.

The Wahl-O-Mat of the Federal Agency for Civic Education has also been available again for the 2021 federal election since September 2nd, 2021.

Aroused interest? Make an appointment with our experts now for an initial consultation.

Sie haben steuerliche Fragen?

Wir beraten Sie gerne als Unternehmer, Freiberufler oder Gewerbetreibender!
20 freie Plätze diesen Monat verfügbar

Proaktive Beratung: Damit Sie immer einen Schritt voraus sind.

Steuerlast minimieren: Mehr bleibt in Ihrer Tasche.

Betriebsprüfungen vermeiden: Sicher durch den Steuer-Dschungel.

Keine hohen Nachzahlungen: Weil vorausschauende Planung zählt.